The migration of objects between Islam and Christianity in the medieval and early modern Mediterranean: new uses, new meanings

June, 15-16 2023University of Sarajevo – Faculty of PhilosophyFranje Račkog 1. 71000 Sarajevo – Bosnia and Herzegovina Organizers: Islamic Legacy: Narratives East, West, South, North of the Mediterranean (1350-1750) (CA18129 IS-LE)PetrifyingWealth (ERC-AdG:…

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Digitilizing Humanities. Humanizing digitalization

Online Congress organized by: Enrique Capdevila (Petrifying Wealth-IH) and Arturo Guerrero (EuQu-ILC) MEDhis-Petrifying Wealth–EuQu FIRST SESSION: SECOND SESSION: HDDH_diptico_DEFDownload

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“Petrified Conflicts (Southern Europe, 1000-1300)”

13, 14 y 15 de octubre 2021 Salón de actos Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales – CSIC  C/Albasanz, 26-28, 28037, Madrid  Organizan: Sandro Carocci (Università degli Studi di Roma…

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“Il Paesaggio Pietrificato”

Arezzo, 7-8 febbraio 2020 Sala conferenze della Casa dell'Energia La storia sociale dell'Europa tra X e XIII secolo attraverso l'archeologia del costruito Organizzato: Sandro Carocci Università degli Studi di Roma…

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