Libraries & Plugins

  • Leaflet Development Team (2020) Leaflet – a JavaScript library for interactive mapsLeafleturl
  • Leaflet Development Team (2020) Leaflet/Leaflet.markercluster: Marker Clustering plugin for LeafletGithuburl
  • Per Liedman (2020) perliedman/leaflet-control-geocoder: A simple geocoder form to locate places. Easily extended to multiple data providers.Githuburl
  • CliffCloud (2019) CliffCloud/Leaflet.EasyButton: leaflet control buttons with icons and callbacksGithuburl
  • Norwin (2019) noerw/leaflet-sidebar-v2: Leaflet plugin: responsive sidebar with JS APIGithuburl
  • Norkart (2018) Norkart/Leaflet-MiniMap: A minimap control plugin for LeafletGithuburl
  • Institute Conservation Biology (2018) consbio/Leaflet.HtmlLegend: A simple Leaflet plugin for creating legends with HTML elementsGithuburl
  • Ghybs (2017) ghybs/Leaflet.FeatureGroup.SubGroup: Creates a Feature Group that adds its child layers into a parent group when added to a map (e.g. through L.Control.Layers)Githuburl
  • Ardhi Lukianto (2013) ardhi/Leaflet.MousePosition: A mouse position control for LeafletGithuburl
  • jQuery Development Team (2006) jQueryjQueryurl

Base maps and external cartography information

  • Cartographic Information, Satelital image and Labels.
    • CartoDB Development Team (2020), CARTO Basemap styles for web and mobile, raster and vector , url
    • OSM Open Street Map community, url
    • Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i-cubed, USDA FSA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community, url
  • Topography.
  • Historical Roads.
    • Roman Roads
      • Iberian Roads: The Viator-e Map. The roads of the Western Roman Empire, url
      •  Italy, France and other countries: McCormick, Michael; Huang, Guoping; Zambotti, Giovanni; Lavash, Jessica, 2013, “Roman Road Network (version 2008)”, Harvard Dataverse, V1 Roman Road Network (version 2008), url
    • Medieval Roads.
      •  St. James Road, url
      • Via Francigena, url